
Social enterprise supporting the livelihoods of migrant domestic workers in Lebanon

1–22 July 2023
Google UX Certificate ◦ ILO & Bloom Pitchworthy Startup Incubator
App design
Skills used
UI/UX ◦ Product ideation ◦ User interviews ◦ Pitching

CleanerCoop connects migrant domestic workers (MDWs) with customers. It aims to make secure legal status, continuous work, fair wages, and safe working conditions a reality for MDWs in Lebanon.


Half of the 500,000 MDWs in Lebanon are undocumented—many have run away from abuse and exploitation. Once they leave their employer’s homes, they lose legal status and have limited access to work.

The Kafala (sponsorship) System is widespread across the Arab region, and is used in construction and domestic services to monitor migrant workers. This system is highly unregulated, leaving workers at the whim of their employers. Passport confiscation, violence, exploitation are commonplace, resulting in widespread suicide attempts among MDWs (UN 2021).

Activist efforts seek to correct this situation through one-on-one casework support and advocacy, that can only achieve so much in a country where corruption and disorder is pervasive. I believe that a business format can open up a space for private regulation from within and without the Kafala system.

Based on previous research for Oxfam in 2019, I identified an opportunity for a social enterprise that would solve the biggest issue that MDWs face—access to work, and a work permit without having to live with a (potentially abusive) private guarantor.


  • Runaways (more correctly known as ‘freelancers’) are vulnerable to everyday violence are at risk of detention and deportation, and struggle to make ends meet
  • Many are breadwinners for their families, so going back to their home countries is often not an option
  • There are no platforms available to help MDWs find work, or allow the local population to conveniently hire people for house help


Design an app that connects customers to workers, and provides continuous work at fair wages, under safe conditions.

  • An Uber-like P2P mobile app
  • Registered company to transfer legal sponsorship
  • Standard rates, secure transactions, and safety measures
  • System to ensure user safety and accountability


In 2019, I met with local activists and community leaders to discuss the project, and we decided we would need to prioritize safety through rules and values, and make our mission statement clear.

I established two user groups:

  1. Customers: Aisha is a home-owner who struggles to find trustworthy cleaners with flexible schedules
  2. Freelancers: Jen is an MDW who struggles to find fair, consistent, and safe work
Initial findings from discovery research with activists and community members.

Pain points & features

I designed a prototype for a customer scheduling a cleaning service. I prioritized the following pain points and determined features to address them:

1. Safety

Users feel uncomfortable having another person in their house/being in another person's house →

✔︎ ID verification of all users
✔︎ Two-way rating system
to moderate behavior

2. Communication & accessibility

Language diversity and literacy levels cause issues with meet ups and task instruction →
✔︎ Icons to communicate across languages
✔︎ Public meet up points
to address safety concerns and facilitate logistics
✔︎ Filtering
users by languages spoken

3. Transparency

Users have trouble informally agreeing on fees, find cleaning companies too expensive, and want a service that is ethical →
✔︎ Highlight cooperative value propositions
Clear and competitive price breakdowns to all end-users


Challenges and limitations

While I did the initial development of this project and pitched it at an ILO-sponsored startup incubator; in late 2019, Lebanon faced popular protests followed by an economic crisis and a global pandemic, so this project never came to fruition.

To reboot, I decided to make it my capstone Google Certificate project: UX Design for Social Good.

I still have hopes that this project can take off, and I am happy to have a more tangible design ready to pitch for funding.

Action taken

  • Consulted with activists and lawyers from the ILO
  • Pitched the project to the ILO
  • Designed initial prototypes
  • Set up Facebook group as a proof of concept, and developed rules and guidelines for membership

Next steps

  • Perform user interviews and testing to gauge market needs and pain points in 2023
  • Iterate the design and pitch the project for funding
  • Add translations of the app to make it accessible to diverse migrant nationalities
  • Design an interface for freelancers

Other design works